Wednesday, October 28, 2009

"I Could Have Danced All Night ..."

I'm sure you've been wondering what it is that I do, exactly, aside from write poetry for my Creative Writing class and avoid blogging for several months at a time. Well, my friends, tonight I shall tell you a story which will send chills down your spine. Okay, maybe not 'chills;' perhaps 'tingles,' or just a general feeling of mocking - I mean - enjoyment.

Tonight, this fateful 28th of October, my dear Madelane and I attended the Social Dance Lab in the Ballroom of the Wilk. What a night! The dance floor was shaking with cha-cha and fox trot, waltz and swing. The music was classy. The men were far too few ... *sigh.* Alas, much of my time was spent awkwardly swaying to the music and either making conversation with other ladies off the floor, or stalking the outskirts scouting for someone that wasn't already flirting with another girl or stuffing his face with food (with little success). Also, the soul of my right character shoe decided that it no longer wanted to be attached to the rest of the shoe, forcing me to wrap it in scotch tape, since we had no stronger adhesive readily available, and hope for the best. It was a little slippery, but I survived. As has become the routine, I had a fun time despite the ever-present awkwardness.

Maddie, on the other hand, seems to have done it again. Exhibit A: Alias James Darcy. Approximately 6'1." Returned missionary. Junior at BYU. Aspires to be an eye surgeon, giving sight to the blind, or something like that. This relatively good-looking young man is in our dance class, but is generally not very talkative in said class. Tonight, however, he was very willing to chat with Maddie. They talked for a good 5-10 minutes after dancing together. Up-dates to follow. Exhibit B: Alias Andrew Bingley. Approximately 6.' Freshman at BYU. Affectionately called "Pre-mi." Computer Science major, aspiring to work for the CIA, and a big fan of the white power ranger, as he announced to the floor at the end of the function. He stuck around with us for a good 45 minutes toward the end, after coming in and out of our company for the entirety of the dance. Despite his youth and over-enthusiasm, Allan is a very appealing young man, and very funny. They were hitting it off so well that I ended up giving him a ride to his car, which he had parked at the Marriot Building, not realizing that nearly all parking on campus opens up to students and the public after 7 PM. Oh, yes. Maddie has found yet another Freshman lover. Once more, up-dates to follow. Exhibit C: Alias Tyler Knightly. Approximately 6'1." Information systems major from Utah who is in our ward. Excellent dancer and another very attractive young man. Most of the time, he is surrounded by girls. But, there was a shining, glimmering moment of time when he was in between partners and about to head for the refreshment table and when Maddie was conveniently positioned about three feet to the left and back from where he was standing. Yet, after all of the success of the evening, she shied away and let him walk over to the table and become enveloped once more in a semi-circle of flirtatious females. Ah, well, there's always nest Sunday ...

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