Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Adventure in the Great Wide Somewhere ... A Summer in Yakima

I write to you, dear reader, from my own little corner of the world - at least for the summer - in Yakima, Washington. I'm sure you're wondering how I find the time to blog amid such grand adventure. I would say it took great diligence. But I would be lying through my teeth (a curious expression, don't you think? How do you lie, or even tell the truth, for that matter, without it going through your teeth? But I digress.). As you're obviously eager to know what it is that I'm doing here in Yakima, I will tell you.

I spend about five to seven hours of each day checking math and entering data for a fruit company, and another hour or so waiting for the numbers to find their way to my desk so that I can continue checking math and entering data. Sounds fascinating, doesn't it? That's what I thought. But it pays well, and it's a job, which is better than nothing.

You'll be relieved to know that the rest of my time is put to much better use. I'm staying with my big brother and his family. I've even started excercising each morning - if necessary, you have my permission to seek medical assistance for the shock. And, as much as I hate to admit it, I'm actually starting to enjoy it. It isn't exactly fun, but I just feel good after I've gone for a run ("run" being a very loose term).

Today, I went with my sister-in-law to watch my nephews play tennis. They're taking lessons at a friend's home, which friend also has a pool and allows them to swim in between classes. I watched the younger two at tennis for a few minutes, then had a nice relaxing time at the pool with little Abigail, my niece. After drying off to watch Kaleb, the oldest, I returned to a not-so-relaxing game of "get-Debra-with-whatever-water-toy-is-closest-to-you," headed by Colin, the second oldest. I had a blast! It was the first time I felt like I had really been able to have fun with the kids since I got here.

I think I've done a fair job of rambling on, so once again, my friend, I bid you adieu until another blogging day.

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